Erectile Dysfunction Self-Help Program


  • 25 Different Videos
  • 12 Different Worksheets
  • Total Duration: 4 hours
  • Online, on-demand
  • Available for 4 months after purchase

Our ED Self-Help Program offers a step-by-step, evidence-based approach designed to help men overcome Erectile Dysfunction in a safe and supportive environment.

Through video lessons, guided exercises, and practical worksheets, you will learn how to regain confidence, improve your sexual health, and enhance intimacy with your partner.

The program combines psychological insights, physical techniques, and relationship-building exercises to deliver a holistic path to recovery.

Who Is This Program For:

  • Men experiencing Erectile Dysfunction.
  • Couples looking to navigate intimacy challenges due to ED.
  • Individuals who have encountered ED once or are concerned about its occurrence.
  • Anyone seeking non-invasive, practical solutions to improve sexual well-being.

Designed by  

Dr Mohammed Issa

Quareb Founder
Psychosexual Therapist

Nour Hegazy

MA Comparative Education, UCL
Sexual Health Educator

Mariam Aziz

Quareb Chief Clinical Officer
Certified Psychosexual Therapist
Sexual Health Educator

Farah Abdul Gawad

MPhil in Modern & Contemporary Literature, University of Cambridge


This program is designed for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have a medical condition or are undergoing treatment for ED, please consult with a healthcare provider before starting this program.
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